
Blog Categories

Contained in this post are hyperlinks with previews of all posts in each of the following categories: Brain  (12) Contemporary Issues  (21) Foundational  (14) Human Mind  (13) New Mammalian Mind  (4) Old Mammalian Mind  (5) Personal  (6) Philosophy  (10) Pre-Human Minds  (7) Profile  (4) Psychology  (10) Religion  (6) Reptilian Mind  (10) Spirituality  (11)


Excerpts from Acting Like Adults

PREFACE Paul D. MacLean’s triune brain model was introduced to me in 1984. It was part of an in-service training for the staff of an alcohol treatment agency where I was working as an outpatient alcohol counselor. MacLean was a neuroscientist and chief of the Laboratory of Brain Evolution and Behavior at the National Institute […]

Brain Foundational Human Mind Philosophy Pre-Human Minds

What Is It Like to Have a Mind?

Introduction If you were to ask a human being and a bat, “What is it like to have a mind?,” you would expect to get unimaginably different answers. What is less expected is that if you asked four different people the same question, you could receive four unimaginably different answers.  In 1974, philosopher Thomas Nagel famously asked […]

Brain Foundational Philosophy Psychology

Quadrune Mind and the Triune Brain in Evolution

Resources for this Post MacLean, P. D. (1990). The triune brain in evolution: Role in paleocerebral functions. New York: Plenum Press. The quadrune mind model of consciousness blog and Study Guide. Purpose of this Post My general purpose for this post is to provide the interested reader statements directly from Paul D. MacLean’s magnum opus, The triune brain in evolution: […]

Brain Foundational Philosophy

QM and Paul MacLean’s Triune Brain Model

What does it tell us about the meaning of life when we can now say that for the first time in the known history of biology, we are witnessing the evolution of human beings with a concern not only for the suffering and dying of their own kind, but also for the suffering and dying […]

Brain Foundational Psychology

QM and the Vital Difference between Consciousness and Intelligence

Consciousness is the perception of the purpose of life. Intelligence is the ability to successfully fulfill that purpose. Introduction The quadrune mind model states that the human brain is able to produce four distinctly different minds. Each mind has a different level of consciousness. The purpose of life is dramatically different for each mind’s level of consciousness. The […]

Contemporary Issues Foundational

Why We Are Not As Different From Our “Enemy” As We Think

If we look at the conflicts between people reported today in the news and recorded in world history books, we might be able to create a fairly long list of causes. Interestingly, for every cause there is an opposite and equal “re-cause.” Like the song Everyday People says, many people will always look for an […]

Contemporary Issues Foundational

QM as a Melioristic Model

(We Make the World Better) There is an essential point that may sometimes get lost in our many examples of the harm caused by behaving from a pre-Human mind: throughout evolution and human history, we are moving toward becoming more loving and better people; i.e., more Human-minded. The quadrune mind model is a melioristic model, […]

Contemporary Issues Foundational

The Content of Our Mind Does Not Determine the Level of Our Consciousness

(Understanding What Is Good, Great, Evil, and Human) Introduction Most of us believe that people possess one mind. Sometimes that mind has the wisdom and courage to declare in the face of widespread civil violence: “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies”—a thought that surely comes to us from “the better angels of our nature.” Other […]

Brain Foundational Pre-Human Minds Psychology

Healing the Dissociated Pre-Human Minds of the Afflicted Human Brain

Introduction The quadrune mind model of consciousness describes four levels of consciousness, or minds, which can emerge from the human brain. Each level of consciousness, when it is the dominant mind, will produce a distinct pattern of behaviors in our adulthood. These levels of consciousness are associated with different groups of our pre-human ancestors and stages of […]