Contemporary Issues Foundational

Why We Are Not As Different From Our “Enemy” As We Think

If we look at the conflicts between people reported today in the news and recorded in world history books, we might be able to create a fairly long list of causes. Interestingly, for every cause there is an opposite and equal “re-cause.” Like the song Everyday People says, many people will always look for an “other” to label as an outsider.1

For each person willing to fight and kill for their religion, nation, or ideal, there is another person willing to fight and kill back for their religion, nation, or ideal. 

But one of the most basic, important, and perhaps innovative teachings of the quadrune mind model is that the attributes we think separate us from other people are not what make us different from each other. We are not different from others, or right, because of our religion, nationality, or ideology. 

Reptilian-minded people will be found on each side of religious wars; old mammalian-minded people will be found on each side of nationalistic wars; and new mammalian-minded people will be found on each side of ideological wars. Although there are healthier and unhealthier ways to live out of each mentality, we would expect reptilian, old mammalian, and new mammalian people would likely support at some level religious, nationalistic, and ideological conflicts.  

Human-minded people will be found on each side of the conflict working to heal the conflicted using the required skills that only they have.  

The only thing that makes a difference to the meaning of our life and our relationships is which of the four minds we live out of most of the time. 


Healing will not come into the world by one group of pre-Human-minded people vanquishing another group of pre-Human-minded people. Rather than eliminating other pre-Human folks from the earth, we all need to help each other to become more Human-minded adults able to build a world that works well for all.

  1. Lyrics for the song, “Everyday People”: “Sometimes I’m right and I can be wrong
    My own beliefs are in my song
    The butcher, the banker, the drummer and then
    Makes no difference what group I’m in
    I am everyday people, yeah yeah

    There is a blue one who can’t accept
    The green one for living with
    A fat one tryin’ to be a skinny one
    Different strokes for different folks
    And so on and so on and scooby dooby dooby

    Ooh sha sha
    We got to live together

    I am no better and neither are you
    We’re all the same whatever we do
    You love me you hate me
    You know me and then
    You can’t figure out the bag I’m in
    I am everyday people

    There is a long hair
    That doesn’t like the short hair
    For being such a rich one
    That will not help the poor one
    Different strokes for different folks
    And so on and so on scooby dooby dooby

    Ooh sha sha
    We got to live together

    There is a yellow one that won’t
    Accept the black one
    That won’t accept the red one
    That won’t accept the white one

    Different strokes for different folks
    And so on and so on and
    Scooby dooby dooby
    Ooh sha sha
    I am everyday people”

    Source: Musixmatch

    Songwriters: Sylvester Stewart

    Everyday People lyrics © Mijac Music [“Everyday People” is an exquisitely accurate description of the people in the song riding a never-ending carousel of hate].