
80 Aphorisms from the Quadrune Mind Perspective

I love aphorisms. Below are aphorisms I have written to help express the values of the quadrune mind model of human nature, which is a secular model of spiritual consciousness. Aphorisms that originally appeared in blog posts are hyperlinked to their respective post. I have also used aphorisms with the “30 Habits of the Human […]

Brain Foundational Philosophy

QM and Paul MacLean’s Triune Brain Model

What does it tell us about the meaning of life when we can now say that for the first time in the known history of biology, we are witnessing the evolution of human beings with a concern not only for the suffering and dying of their own kind, but also for the suffering and dying […]

Brain Foundational Psychology

QM and the Vital Difference between Consciousness and Intelligence

Consciousness is the perception of the purpose of life. Intelligence is the ability to successfully fulfill that purpose. Introduction The quadrune mind model states that the human brain is able to produce four distinctly different minds. Each mind has a different level of consciousness. The purpose of life is dramatically different for each mind’s level of consciousness. The […]

Brain Philosophy

Thoughts On How We Got Here & The Evolution Of Our Brains

Creationism is a dramatic story. The Supreme God commands the universe into existence, touching the earth to make humanity. But I think a more powerful story is the extraordinary evolutionary force that brings a universe into existence and gives rise to stars, life, and human consciousness. Every atom in our bodies was once stardust. Biblically, angels […]

Contemporary Issues Old Mammalian Mind

When All Is Politics, We Are Not Human

Thomas L. Friedman recently wrote a New York Times opinion piece in which he warned that America is becoming like Lebanon—a place where everything is politics.  The issues Freidman raise are perfect examples of why the quadrune mind model is important in real life. What he calls “politics” is the old mammalian group/herd mentality. And the warnings he […]