
80 Aphorisms from the Quadrune Mind Perspective

I love aphorisms. Below are aphorisms I have written to help express the values of the quadrune mind model of human nature, which is a secular model of spiritual consciousness. Aphorisms that originally appeared in blog posts are hyperlinked to their respective post. I have also used aphorisms with the “30 Habits of the Human Mind” to describe characteristics of human consciousness in the “What Is It Like to be a Human Being?” post. See the Value Statements on pages 10 and 11 of the Study Guide for notable people’s aphorisms that I believe relate to the quadrune mind. And now, some pithy statements of relatively few words:

Adults who function at a childish level of consciousness see the universe as a “good vs. evil” drama, a duality that emerges from the innate biological drives of attraction and withdrawal.

Afflicters always believe that the suffering they cause other people is justified.1

Although we are often told how uplifting it is to be part of something “bigger” than ourselves, we are rarely advised to make sure that we are part of something that is also better than ourselves.

Americans live in a NASCAR® universe where everything in our competitive world must be sponsored, as we speed around in circles as fast as we can in the race course of life—to whose finish line?

Antihumanization occurs when someone takes some action “against” another person’s opportunity to become more humane.

Any relationship becomes more humanizing when we use a healthy adult voice.

Billionaires, like dinosaurs in their heyday, have an almost completely unencumbered life of privilege.

Consciousness is the perception of the purpose of life. Intelligence is the ability to successfully fulfill that purpose.

Dehumanization of others may be based on the desires of our God, country, corporation, family, or best friends. Grownups, on the other hand, do not dehumanize anyone.

Dehumanization should never be the price of a paycheck.

Desperate times call for courageous acts. And what could be more courageous than to be nonviolent in a violent world, loving in a hateful world, and decent in a corrupted world?

Don’t have an animal mind; have a Grownup human consciousness.

Expanding spiritual consciousness on earth is humanity’s responsibility. 

Fear makes me feel vulnerable, or even worse, helpless. Anger feels like strength, or even better, power.

God is the force that brought the human brain into existence.

Great intelligence at a lower level of consciousness does not entail great intelligence at a higher level of consciousness.

The great tragedies of humanity are almost always driven, directly or indirectly, by the most petty people of us all; that is, people whose sole purpose in life is self-perpetuation.

How conscious is “artificial” intelligence? The answer, if we ever think we know it, may have some significance on how conscious we believe “natural” intelligence to be.2

The human mind is the only mind that has the capacity to have a sense of responsibility to, and communion with, people never met, all living beings, and the earth.3

The idea of a “soul” represents our mental solution to the body’s instinctual need for an eternal homeostasis.4

If a young liberal becomes an old conservative, it is not because of the growth of wisdom. Rather, it is the growth of wealth and privilege. Having more becomes the fear of losing more.

If mercy is to be part of this world, it must happen through us. 

If we are stuck in an animal-like mind, then we will live life with an animal-like purpose. 

The immature-minded person has been socialized to see people as predators, competitors, prey, or one’s own. Only “one’s own” are seen as “human.”5

The immature-minded person uses disagreements about facts to justify truths that divide humanity; the Grownup-minded person rises above the clutter and noise of individual facts to clearly see a holistic Truth that unites all of humanity.

Immature minds worship immature Gods.

In order to humanize the mind, it must have lifelong “educational” exposure to the humanities, arts, literature, physical and emotional play, a nurturing “village,” labor in the real world, and service to the lives of other people.

In stark contrast to the appropriate natures of other creatures on earth, survival is not the prime directive of human beings.

In the spiritual human being, identity and self-gain have been left behind. Non-proprietary service in all things is the only purpose of life for the Grownup.

Indifference is devastatingly cruel. It is always at the root of our dehumanization of people. The destructive effects of indifference may even subtly exceed those of demonizing others. After all, it requires much less mental energy to ignore people than to demonize them and comes with very little accountability of our own inhumanity.

The insatiable greed of the power elites is funded by the insatiable addictions of the masses.

It is as though the immature minds are saying to look but don’t see, listen but don’t hear, touch but don’t feel, move but don’t be the composer of your own actions.

It is difficult to understand what other people need if we don’t need it. It is worse if we think we know what other people need but are wrong.

It seems inescapable that for humanity to survive, more of us, elites and masses alike, must burst our bubbles and expose our skin directly to all of the elements of life.

It turns out that if you ask yourself, “What is it like to have a mind?,” the answer depends on which mind you have.

It’s a small world if you live a large life.

Life isn’t fair or unfair; it just happens. However, people can be fair or unfair intentionally. 

Life without change is automaticity; change without life is decomposition.6

Many species are going extinct because they are not evolutionarily prepared for the world we have created—and neither are we. The difference is, we know it. And, we can do something about it. It’s our responsibility.

Marketers are driving us to distraction with their incessant, ever more aggressive, demands on our attention. They demand that we be more responsive to their brand than to our God, country, or family, although they often sell us their brand as representing our God, country, or family.

Marketing sells us on the idea that we “deserve” better products and services without telling us why.

A mind indifferent to the suffering of others is good for business. It is also good for despots and demagogues. It is not thinkable for a Grownup.

Mindlessness prevents humanity from being humane.

Moralists tend to expect the universe to conform to their moral code. For example, if worthy people do not get what is due them, or unworthy people get more than they deserve, then the righteous moralizer feels responsible to correct the universe’s error.

An opinion should be expressed only if you are willing to change it.

Our leaders tell us, sometimes for centuries, that we must remember certain events of our history, but for what purpose—to make amends or take revenge? The answer would seem important for our sense of “identity.”7

Our proper course of action is to reduce suffering and increase healing, not to inflict further suffering in order to stop suffering.

Our religious, nationalist, political, and sports fanatics are of the same mind (level of consciousness) as their religious, nationalist, political, and sports fanatics.

Over the years, our habits of acting, feeling, and thinking can become so deeply entrenched and powerful to us that our “rational” mind must reasonably conclude that our lives are directed by an external power much greater than ourselves.8

People have been criticized for underestimating the level of consciousness of animals, but the related, more common, and much more serious error is the vast overvaluation of our own everyday consciousness.9

People who lived in ancient times did not know they were living in ancient times—and neither do we.

The person who does not have a moment to regret may not have had a moment to reflect.

A person with a PhD—doctor of philosophy degree—should, before anything else, be a person who teaches the love of wisdom.

Propaganda is enjoyed as entertainment by many people because it makes them feel good. 

Propaganda, like pornography and professional wrestling, is designed to destroy a person’s aesthetic distance. Consequently, there is not enough mental space to separate internal visceral reactions from external reality.10

Quadrune mind is a secular model of spiritual consciousness for a post-rational world.11

The quadrune mind model of human nature is for thoughtful people, who reject both moral relativism and the certainty of self-righteous tyranny, but still want a spiritually meaningful purpose in this lifetime.12

The real spiritual issue for all of us lies in our level of consciousness, not the contents of our mind.

Religion has been used to comfort the suffering masses. But it is the power elites who must awaken spiritually if the current world is to be healed.

Religion is our evolutionarily new psychological need to attribute to nature a designed intentionality.

Religiosity keeps score; spirituality does not.

The responsibility of a spiritually conscious adult at the end of the world is the same as it always is: to reduce suffering and increase healing as much as possible.

The result of the power elites’ control of our mass media is the same for us as Siddhartha’s father’s control of information was meant to be for Siddhartha: to keep us materially focused and ignorant of our spiritual potential.

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning is not enough to make an educated Grownup. There is no letter in the acronym STEM to indicate the presence of wisdom.

Sharing the love to be alive is the point of everything for the Grownup.

The shift to a “level of consciousness” problem changes an “us versus them” conflict to be “won or lost” into a shared task of everyone becoming more spiritually mature. 

Spiritual consciousness does not reject religion, but it does reject any spiritual merit for a militarized religion or a religious military.

Spiritually conscious Grownups are bad for Big Business. Apparently, marketers know this as demonstrated by their advertising campaigns.

Technology is the attempt to make our lives better without being better people.13

Unconstrained stampede greed always has been, and always will be, associated with chronic, wide-spread desperate need.14

We can live like other animals, but that is not who we are.

We cannot dehumanize anyone else unless we are already functioning from a pre-human sub-brain ourselves.

We must have each other’s help and encouragement to be more able, willing, and effective healers in the world. There is no such thing as a self-sufficient Grownup.

We would rather kill a thousand enemies than make one our friend.

What is a person but part crocodile, part horse, part computer, part angel and therein lie all the conflicts of humanity.  

What we believe is insignificant compared to how we live because of what we believe. 

Wisdom is not dogmatic, hateful, bigoted, defensive, sectarian, or utopian. Wisdom does not crave absolute knowledge. Wisdom does not demand that the heart never be wounded. Wisdom does not fear uncertainty.

Wisdom is the awareness of humanity’s purpose in life. 

You can live to rule the earth, or you can live to serve the earth. You just can’t do both.

You never know what you slept through until you wake up!

Last amended January 27, 2025

  1. For example, see Rose, J. (2021, November 6). The inquiry into border agents on horseback continues. Critics see a ‘broken’ system. NPR. “James Wong, who used to work in internal affairs at CBP, says the Border Patrol sees itself less as a law enforcement agency, and more as a ‘paramilitary force.’ “‘I’ve had Border Patrol agents in the past tell me that they will not retreat, and they will not give up one foot of American soil,’ Wong said. ‘They view these people as the enemy. And to me, that’s troubling.’” [Ethologist Konrad Lorenz coined the term “militant enthusiasm” to describe what people experience when they “live for, struggle for, and under certain circumstances blindly go to war for” something. Militant enthusiasm sanctifies such actions as ripping babies from the arms of desperate refugees seeking help if those people are seen as the “enemy.” For more, see Lorenz, K. (1963; Eng. trans. 1966). On aggression. New York: MJF Books].
  2. For related thoughts on this issue, see QM and the Future of Spiritual Consciousness.
  3. Also see page 6 of the Study Guide.
  4. See Absolute Certainty: Doing, Knowing, and ThinkingQM, Phylogenetic Regression, and Extreme Aggression; and page 9 of the Study Guide.
  5. See page 6 of the Study Guide.
  6. Compare Oscar Wilde’s comment, “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” See page 11 of the Study Guide.
  7. For related material, see the opening paragraph of “The End” section of Acting Like Adults Also, see Sen, A. (2006). Identity and violence: The illusion of destiny. New York: W. W. Norton. [Whole nations begin their historical memory in such a way as to define themselves as the victims of other people’s unprovoked angry actions, with designed ignorance of the effects of their own earlier acts of exploitation, provocation, and violence. This self-serving biased memory allows people to self-righteously act out terrible destruction against a beastly enemy who deserves the worst. A nation, or religious tradition, ethnicity, etc., that is able to reach further back into history to acknowledge their own culpability in present acts of violence has a chance to see themselves and others within a more spiritually Grownup view. If they truly have no culpability, then not to choose “revenge” would probably require the spiritual consciousness of a Jesus, Gandhi, or John Lewis. Regarding John Lewis, see our blog post, Why Religious Fervor and Spiritual Consciousness Are Not The Same (A Comparison of Two Religious Politicians, Josh Hawley and John Lewis, in Light of the Quadrune Mind Model)].
  8. Compare Jaynes, J. (1976). The origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. “Consciousness is a much smaller part of our mental life than we are conscious of, because we cannot be conscious of what we are not conscious of…. And so, consciousness can seem to pervade all mentality when actually it does not” (page 23). [This is the book that first sparked my interest in the relationship between brain structures and mind functions. Nearly 50 years later, Julian Jaynes’ very personal work continues to offer rich insights into humanity’s paradoxically long struggle to understand human nature. The quadrune mind model distinguishes four qualitatively different kinds of human consciousness with varying degrees of self-awareness. The model specifies why only the spiritually conscious mind represents true human nature].
  9. Compare Fleury, B. E. (2018). The scientific wonder of birds. Chantilly, VA: The Teaching Company. From the course overview: “The Remarkable Brainpower of Birds—Contrast avian brain structure with our own and track the intelligence of birds in numerous surprising and revelatory examples. Note how diverse species can distinguish shapes, colors, and numbers; remember 2,000 seed cache locations; start fires to flush out prey; make hooks to catch food; tie slip knots; and, believe it or not, differentiate between artistic styles such as Cubism and Impressionism.” 

    [My comment refers especially to Lecture 5, “Bird Brains: Tool Wielders and Snack Stealers.”: Bruce E. Fleury is an immensely pleasurable, witty, and humane advocate of respect for avian intelligence. He describes how their intellectual feats are comparable to those of primates and young human children. Although Fleury recognizes the instinctual basis underlying some very complex behaviors, there are also avian innovations that make it difficult to decide whether we underestimate their intelligence, or overvalue our own. And his love of birds, often told with charming personal stories, is irresistibly contagious. Nevertheless, he does not romanticize the harsh realities of a bird’s life. I have also cited this course in the Dinosaurs, Billionaires, and Mass Extinctions blog post. For additional context for this significant issue, see the post, QM and the Vital Difference between Consciousness and Intelligence].

  10. See How Entertainment and Art become Propaganda through the Loss of Aesthetic Distance.
  11. Instead of mentally regressing to irrationality, which many people in the 21st century seem to believe is the only alternative to a loss of faith in reason, we can go forward with a spirituality beyond the rational. Some possible elements of what an integrated spiritual level of consciousness beyond rationality looks like might come from Carl Jung (synchronicity beyond causality), the human Jesus of Nazareth (compassion beyond law), panpsychism (consciousness beyond subatomic particles), and plant ecologist Robin Wall Kimmerer’s “braiding sweetgrass” (sharing wisdom with nature beyond scientific knowledge of nature). Incidentally, I believe Gautama Buddha to have been the greatest rationally-based spiritual teacher in history. Nevertheless, some branches of Buddhism, such as Zen with its koans, have also gone beyond rationality (paradox beyond logic).
  12. See the Study Guide for details of the quadrune mind model.
  13. Compare Helmore, E. (2023, May 28). “They’re afraid their AIs will come for them”: Doug Rushkoff on why tech billionaires are in escape mode. The Guardian. “The only way to rebel is to be human and aware, Rushkoff says. ‘Be social, get your feet on the ground, make eye contact, have sex, meet people, breathe the air. The more real-life ballast you have, the less this brittle, ideological, abstracted, social media-mediated universe bears upon your daily existence.’” [If we stay technologically isolated from one another we may all end up as solipsists; i.e., more specifically, we can become stuck in the “extreme egocentrism” of infancy—a major characteristic of the reptilian mind].
  14. See Stampede Greed and Desperate Need for related material.